From the moment I met Katie, I have found her to be thoughtful, dynamic, and driven; “self-starter” is a word that would absolutely describe her. While at SDSU, Katie exhibited stellar work habits, critical thought, excellent ability as a researcher, writer, and theatre maker, and exemplary leadership. Among her MA cohort of five strong students, Katie rose to the top because of her ability, her vision, and her attitude. She strove for excellence, while cultivating community and connection; offering guidance and camaraderie rather than competition.
I have had the opportunity to work closely with Katie as her advisor and as her professor. Katie also served as my graduate assistant on the final phase of a two-year performance-based research project, culminating in the performance of my original play at the 24th International Theatre Festival in Casablanca, Morocco. Katie was my key research assistant, production supervisor, and travel coordinator. In this capacity, she worked closely with me for a full school year, including the summer, where she traveled with me to Morocco for three weeks, supervising eight other graduate and undergraduate students.
Dani Bedau: Professor, San Diego State University